When You Sing It Makes Me Cry, When You Cry It Makes Me Sing
Drippy Toy No. 3 of 7
A hand painted oil dripping timer toy. One side drips tears out of an eye and when flipped over, the mouth drips. Drippy toy is signed and numbered and was painted during quarantine stay-at-home orders during the Covid Pandemic 2020
Toy Measures 5.25 in. x 2 in. x 1 in.
Toy comes inside a hand painted and screen printed box. All box sides have been customized. Includes Flaming Lips "Do You Realize" lyrics on bottom panel. Box is signed and numbered 3 of 7. This box includes a footprint of baby Bloom Coyne, Wayne's son, age 1
Box Measures 6.75 in. x 4.25 in. x 3.5 in.
Toy is held in box by white silicone foam rubber, hand poured by Wayne